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Shell Tellus Oils T 壳牌32号液压油

High performance hydraulic oils for wide temperature ranges 宽温度范围的高性能液压油


Shell Tellus Oils T are premium quality hydraulic oils generally acknowledged to be the


They incorporate a Shell patent antiwear technology and a shear stable viscosity index 他们纳入壳牌专利抗磨技术和剪切稳定粘度指数

improver to enhance and maintain excellent viscosity/temperature characteristics. 改良剂,以加强和维护良好的粘度/温度特性。

Applications 应用

• •

Hydraulic and fluid power transmission systems 液压流体动力传输系统

subjected to wide variations in temperature or 在宽温度变化或受到

where low viscosity change with fluctuating 其中低粘度变化与波动

temperature is required. 温度要求。

Certain critical hydraulic systems can only tolerate 某些关键的液压系统只能容忍

small variations in viscosity with fluctuating 粘度小的变化与波动

temperature if efficiency and responsiveness are to 温度如果效率和响应能力

be maintained. 予以保留。 Hydraulic oils, such as Shell Tellus 如壳牌得力士液压油,

Oil T, which exhibit multigrade viscosity 油,这表现出多级粘度 特别的优势特点,在这种情况下

If even further limited viscosity variations are 如果是更加有限的粘度变化

required Tellus Oils STX should be considered. 应考虑所需的世腾特力油。

Performance Features and Benefits 性能特点和优点

• •

Wide operating temperature range 工作温度范围宽

The use of selected viscosity index improver reduces 选定的粘度指数改进剂的使用减少

the viscosity variation with temperature allowing 粘度随温度允许变化

the systems to operate in a wide oil temperature 系统运行在很宽的油温

range with more consistent performances. 范围更加一致的表演。 Reasons 原因

for oil temperature modification could be different 对于油温修改可能会有所不同

ones like: environment temperature variation, 一样的:环境温度变化,

intermediate working condition or variable 中间的工作条件或变量

workload 工作量

• •

Maintained viscosimetric 保持测粘度

characteristics unchanged with time 特性随时间不变

The high shear stability of the viscosity index 高剪切稳定粘度指数

improver used allows to retain the original 改良剂使用的,允许保留原

viscosimetric characteristics preventing the oil to get 防止石油获得的测粘度特性。

thinner and thinner at high temperature and 高温更薄更薄

therefore preventing the reduction of the max 因此,预防减少

operating temperature and the system efficiency. 工作温度和系统的效率。

Outstanding anti-wear performance 杰出的抗磨损性能

Proven and patent anti-wear additives are 探明和专利的抗磨损添加剂

incorporated to be effective throughout the range of 纳入整个范围内有效

operating conditions, including low and high load 经营条件,包括低和高负荷

conditions. 条件。 Outstanding performance in a range of 在一系列的出色表现

piston and vane pump tests have been obtained 活塞和叶片泵试验已取得

including the newest Denison T6H (the so called 包括新的丹尼森T6H(即所谓的

hybrid pump), the tough Denison T6C (dry and wet 混合泵),艰难的丹尼森T6C(干,湿

versions) and the demanding Vickers 35VQ25. 版本)和的苛刻威格士35VQ25。

Tellus T help system components last longer. 特力帮助系统组件的使用寿命更长。

• •

Hydrolytic stability 水解稳定性

Tellus T have good chemical stability in the 得力士T有良好的化学稳定性

presence of moisture, which ensures long oil life 存在的水分,确保油的使用寿命长

and reduces the risk of corrosion and rusting. 减少腐蚀和生锈的风险。

• •

Superior filterability 高级过滤

Tellus T are suitable for ultra-fine filtration, an 得力士T是适合于超精细过滤,

essential requirement in today's hydraulic systems. 在今天的液压系统中的基本要求。

They are unaffected by the usual products of 他们是由平常的产品的影响

contamination, such as water and calcium, which 水和钙,如污染,这

are known to cause blockage of fine filters. 已知会造成堵塞精细的过滤器。

Customers can use finer filters, therefore achieving 客户可以使用更细的过滤器,因此实现

all the benefits of having in use cleaner fluids. 使用清洁液的所有优点。

• •

Oxidation resistant 抗氧化

Resist oxidation in the presence of air, water and 在空气,水的存在抵抗氧化和

copper. 铜。 Turbine Oil Stability Test (TOST) results 汽轮机油稳定性试验(TOST)结果

show outstanding performance; low acidity, low 出色的表现;低酸度,低

sludge formation, low copper loss; therefore 污泥的形成,低铜损,因此

extending oil drain interval life and minimising 延长换油间隔寿命和减少

maintenance costs. 维护成本。

• •

Thermal stability 热稳定性

Thermally stable in modern hydraulic systems working in 在现代化的液压系统,工作热稳定

extreme conditions of load and temperature. 负载和温度极端条件。 Tellus T are 得力士ţ

highly resistant to degradation and sludge formation 高抗退化和污泥的形成

therefore improving system reliability and cleanliness. 因此,提高系统的可靠性和清洁。

Technical Data Sheet 技术数据表

Shell Tellus Oils 壳牌得力士润滑油

Shell Lubricants 壳牌润滑油

Low friction 低摩擦

Tellus T has high lubrication properties and 得力士具有高润滑性能和

excellent low friction characteristics in hydraulic 优良的液压低摩擦特性

systems operating at low or high speed. 在高或低的速度下运行的系统。 Prevents 防止

stick-slip problems in critical applications enabling 使关键应用程序的粘滑问题

very fine control of machinery. 非常精细的机械控制。

• •

Excellent air release and anti-foam 优异的空气释放和抗泡沫

properties 属性

A careful selection of additives has been conducted 已进行了精心挑选的添加剂

to ensure quick air release without excessive 快速的空气释放,以确保没有过多

foaming. 起泡。 Quick air release helps minimising 快速的空气释放有助于减少

cavitation and slow oxidation, maintaining system 蚀和缓慢氧化,保持系统

and fluid performance. 和流体性能。

• •

Good water separation 良好的水分离

Good water separation properties (demulsibility). 良好的水分离特性(抗乳化性)。

Resists the formation of water-in-oil emulsions and 抗油包水型乳液的形成和

prevents consequent hydraulic system and pump 防止随之而来的液压系统和泵

damage. 损坏。

Specifications and Approvals 规格与认可

Tellus Oils T have the following approvals: 得力士油T有以下认证:

CINCINNATI P-68 (ISO 32) 辛辛那提的P-68(ISO 32)

CINCINNATI P-70 (ISO 46) 辛辛那提的P-70(ISO 46)

CINCINNATI P-69 (ISO 68) 辛辛那提的P-69(ISO 68)




Eaton (Vickers) M-2950 S 伊顿(威格士)的M-2950小号

Eaton (Vickers) I-286 S 伊顿(威格士)的I-286小号

Tellus Oils T meet the requirements of: 得力士的油剧作满足要求:

Swedish Standard SS 15 54 34 AM 瑞典标准SS 15 54 34上午

ISO 11158 的ISO 11158

AFNOR NF-E 48-603 AFNOR NF-é48-603

Compatibility 兼容性

Tellus T are compatible with most pumps. 得力士T是与大多数泵兼容。 However, 然而,

please consult your Shell Representative before 请咨询您的壳牌代表前

using in pumps containing silver plated components 使用含有镀银组件泵

Seal & Paint Compatibility 密封和油漆相容性

Tellus T are compatible with all seal materials and 得力士T是兼容所有的密封材料,

paints normally specified for use with mineral oils. 油漆通常指定使用矿物油。

Health & Safety 健康与

Guidance on Health and Safety are available on 可在健康与指南

the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet, 适当的材料数据表,

which can be obtained from your Shell 这可以从你的shell

representative. 代表。

Protect the environment 保护环境

Take used oil to an authorised collection point. 废油采取授权的集合点。 Do 做

not discharge into drains, soil or water 不排入排水沟,土壤或水

Typical Physical Characteristics

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